Commercial Bay

Mothers of Commercial Bay

Discover heartfelt gifts handpicked by the incredible mothers of Commercial Bay for the important mother figures in your life. From enduring quality to timeless style and treats for the senses, find the perfect way to show your appreciation. Hear their stories, learn about their plans for Mother's Day, and discover how they balance motherhood with their careers as businesswomen.

Rickie Dee

What are you most proud of?

Watching my kids grow each day into the driven and inspiring personalities that they are. Also, growing my first baby, ‘Superette,’ into the business that it is today. I’m proud to have such an amazing team around us and still be working in the business we love 22 years on.

You’re a busy mum and business owner; we imagine it can be hard to juggle work and life! How do you balance this day-to-day?

It’s probably one of the biggest challenges! It’s also a huge credit to the people around me. I couldn’t do it without my partner and my Superette team. I make sure that I finish work at a certain time of the day so that I’m at home for the kids after school and for homework. I also make sure I’m not always pulling out my laptop and working when the kids are at home. It’s the biggest juggle, I would say. Every working mother has that maternal guilt, and it’s hard to find that happy medium as to what is right and what is wrong and what is too much and too little. We’re now 20 years deep, and I’m still doing my best to figure it out.

What's at the top of your Wishlist for Mother's Day this year?

The Celia Loves candle in Pistachio + Caramel, our Superette Alexis Shirt, and the Porter Jewellery Blob Earrings, all from Superette.


Elle Pugh

How do you usually spend Mother's Day, and why does that particular way resonate with you?

Mother’s Day in our family revolves around coming together and crafting joyful memories over a delightful meal—typically with my Mum, my sister, and her boys. We cherish marking the occasion with a splendid lunch or dinner; it’s a cherished tradition we eagerly anticipate each year. It's always been a special time for us to reconnect, share laughter, and, of course, savor delicious food amidst our bustling lives. Unfortunately, this year, I'm abroad, and it saddens me to miss our gathering. Nevertheless, even from afar, I'll be celebrating them in spirit!

What are your top 3 must-haves for your Mum this year?

While she already has plenty of cashmere, I know every Mum would absolutely love our Travel Wraps. Each one comes in its own little travel bag, making it perfect for taking anywhere! You can't go past a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Blush, a luxurious perfume from Mecca, or something exquisite for the kitchen from Superette.


Pip Larner

What does Mother's Day look like for you this year?

Mother’s Day this year will be with family – a lunch with my boys, my sister and co-owner Liz and her boys, and catching up with our amazing Mum who started Scarpa with our Dad over 30 years ago.

What's at the top of your Wishlist for Mother's Day?

My top 3 must-haves for Mother's Day would be a great pair of boots from Scarpa – I am obsessed with our new Estella Italian boots – incredible burnished leather with antique stud detailing for a cool bohemian vibe that’s timeless. I’ve been keen to try the new Advieh; I love Middle Eastern food, so that’s next on my list, and a good coconut margarita from Ghost Donkey.


Deborah Caldwell

What's one Mother's Day tradition with your family that you cherish? 

The best gift to give and receive is ‘time’. Our lives are so busy these days, it’s nice to treasure the opportunity to spend time together 

What does Mother's Day look like for you this year?

Last year my son arrived back from college in the USA on Mother's Day, which was the best gift. This year he arrives a week later so will be looking forward to giving him a big when he walks through those doors at the airport, with a few tears no doubt!

What's at the top of your Wishlist for Mother's Day?

My top 3 must-haves for Mother's Day would be the STORM Black Onyx Dralion Ring, STORM Houndstooth Crossbody Bag and a delicious Poni Sour cocktail from Poni.
